FMCSA issues guidance on breaks in on-duty time

James Jaillet | July 12, 2013 In a language clarification from the 1997 guidance on hours of service rules, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration is issuing Friday, July 12, an updated version of regulatory guidance concerning breaks for drivers. The guidance comes on the heels of the July 1 effective date of hours ofContinue reading “FMCSA issues guidance on breaks in on-duty time”

The Seven Deadly Sins’ Effect On Professional Drivers

BY GUEST · MAY 16, 2013 · NO COMMENTSFEATURED · TAGGED: CHALLENGES, IMAGE, PROFESSIONAL DRIVERS, SEVEN DEADLY SINS, TIPS, TRUCKERS SHARE THIS ARTICLE: Professional drivers are humans and are subject to the challenges faced by every one of us on a daily basis.   However, many of these trials are unique to the men and women behind the wheel of a tractor-trailer.   The seven deadly sins have been identifiedContinue reading “The Seven Deadly Sins’ Effect On Professional Drivers”